Bishop Hagiya asks Churches to Promote Common Sense Gun Reform

Support Gun Responsibility in WA
Endorse I-594

In partnership with Faith Action Network (FAN), which is partnering with the Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility (WAGR),   Bishop Hagiya is asking churches to step forward and promote common sense gun reform: Requiring background checks for all gun purchases.

Here’s how you can help:

* Please have your congregation endorse I-594. Click here for an online faith community endorsement.

* Please encourage your  congregation to sign the I-594 petitions and gather signatures from others. Click  here to order a petition or get more information.

This  is a critical time for the collection of signatures. The final signatures for  I-594 need to be delivered to the Secretary of State’s office in Olympia on  December 14, 2013. We can and will prevent gun violence in our communities.   The time is now.  (From

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